Market Entry | Milner Strategic Marketing

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Market Entry

How we can help you

We offer a unique strategic lens through which to see your market. We build market forecast models tailored exactly to your requirements that tell you about your market size, market growth rate and market share. This tells you about the market opportunity, your performance across different geographies and sectors and deepens your understanding of the impact of wider industry trends on customer buying behaviour. The bespoke output mirrors your view of the market, analysing all the aspects that you require, which allows you to make decisions and grow your business.

Market entry

  • Once a valuable market opportunity has been identified, a market entry strategy should be formulated by focusing on the core issues: market dynamics, the size of the market, competitive landscape, market share and revenue, pricing and cost etc.
  • We use a highly structured approach to help companies create a logical and well-founded market entry strategy. Our approach to market entry groups these issues into four broad areas:
    1. Market analysis
    2. Market sizing
    3. Options and prioritisation
    4. Tactical and strategic options
  • In our experience, building the market entry strategy utilising a market model provides significant benefits. It not only provides you with the best guidance about which geographies and segments to invest in, but also forecasts the next area of growth which helps to keep you on track as the market environment evolves


Market entry strategy


Get in touch:

JDavenport BWJonathan is Milner’s Market Analysis lead and would be happy to explain more about how we have helped previous clients and provided actionable market insights to develop market winning strategies. Please contact me on +44 (0)1473 633121 for an informal chat or drop me an email and I would be delighted to help you. Alternatively, click on the button below to sign up to our e-newsletter: